Use the slider to set the relevance for each question. As these questions cover all ages, only a portion are age appropriate. Just click the SKIP button if not relevant. It is best to just go with your first impulse, spending no more than 30 seconds on a question. Even if you just respond to the 20 or so questions that seem most relevant, you should get a result. However, it is important that you DO NOT skip questions with low significance, but rather give these answers a low rating, as these values are as relevant as high values in computing the averages.

All data is temporarily stored on this web page - Please make a note of the results of the survey as when you leave this page all data is erased. (You can use your print screen or snapshot commands to make a copy).

The survey consists of approximately 120 questions in 5 sections, and you should plan on putting aside approximately 20 minutes for completion. As long as you do not close this page a partially completed survey should remain in your web browser.




Use the drop-down menus on the prior tab to explore relevant THERAPIES.
Please make a note (print screen) of your survey results, as the information is deleted once you close this page.

Most Significant Section of Exercises with Percent Significance:

Next Most Significant Section of Exercises with Percent Significance:

Next Most Significant Section of Exercises with Percent Significance:

If the percentages are within 10%, it is likely that exercises from the second and third sections will also have some relevance. If the percentage of the first section is more than 10% greater than the second, it and the third sections should be ignored. If the first percentage is below 60% the result is not well defined. In this case it is best to defer to, or include therapeutic protocols for Life Processes.
N.B.: The percentages are calculated for each section independently, not as a percentage of all sections combined (Adding the percentages should not equal 100%). The results scale significance as: 100% - very significant; 0% - not significant.